These are a few of my favorite things

It’s been quite some time since my last post. I have numerous drafts saved that I have started but failed to complete. Writing needs inspiration; I probably didn’t find that to complete any of my previous posts. But today, I was watching my unparalleled favourite movie – The Sound of Music (of course you know what that is, isn’t it? If not, you must get down to watching it right away). In the musical, the track – ‘Raindrops on Roses’ involves a mention of a few of *Maria’s favourite things and the aforementioned are the little things in life, like, whiskers on kittens.
Coincidentally, a couple of people I know today seemed to be a tad dismayed for various reasons and inspired by the track, I told them that they should tell me a few of their favourite things and that we’d go alternately. While I was thinking of what to say to them, I found a new part of me. By the end of our conversation of favourite things, one of them felt much better and the other forgot that she was upset in the first place. Maybe everyone should try finding out what is it that they really like – these little things go beyond materialistic luxuries and pleasure; all of a sudden all those things don’t even matter to you. You’ve discovered a different side of you that needs nothing, but that can feel so much more than you usually do.
I’ll list a few of my favourite things that I thought about today that make me boundlessly happy – very random, but that’s how they’re supposed to be.
The smell of first rain when it touches the ground
A squirrel nibbling at something
 The sound of children’s laughter – just so pure and untainted
Counting stars on a star studded night
Watching Dolphins leap
Unkempt hair
The sound of waves crashing against rocks
Dew drops on grass early in the morning
Vegetables growing in my own backyard – especially tomatoes and chillies
The smell of strawberry
Watching birds flying in a flock
Long drives in the monsoons
Sunrays creeping in through a breach in the window
Dogs’ paw print
A trickling stream across
A clear blue sky
Spotting a sign that I've asked for
Conversations with myself

There are so many more that I can think of but I’ll be giving away too much then. I hope everyone can make their list of little things that make them happy. The happiness derived from these are tenfold than we probably would feel otherwise.

*Maria is the protagonist of the movie.


  1. Krtika!! Visualized each and every one of those things and they made me fill up with joy and smile! Thank You :D

  2. I'm glad, Huzefa! I'm glad it did.

    Cheers! :)

  3. Just read this today. Brilliant :)


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