Midnight rambles


It’s 3:34 am. I’m officially suffering from insomnia. It’s hardly surprising. Same shit, different night. I’m tired of counting fucking sheep. They’re bleating now; more reason I can’t sleep. They're loud. And I’ve counted them so many times. 

My mind’s racing with possibilities - of the random sort. I need to change the appearance of my blog page. The layout is fine, just the background image. Maybe even the name. Something coffee. Something lipstick. Lipstick and coffee? Lame. I haven’t posted in a while. Something to write about... let’s see. What’s the most interesting thing I’ve done all day? A headstand. It’s supposed to help with sleep. Working out should, no? Here I’m wide awake. I need to hit the gym at 10:30 am tomorrow. Will I be able to make it? I better. Leg day. Can’t miss it. I did a back squat with 45 kgs two weeks ago. Now I love leg days. I couldn’t do a back squat with even 20 kgs a couple of years ago. Now I can. 

I need to put away my phone. It’s so distracting. I need to sleep. I almost had fallen asleep until R’s phone buzzed with a notification and jolted me awake. I’ve scrolled through Instagram in the search for something, anything constructive. Zilch. It’s nearing 5 am now. Does that mean I’m a part of the elite 5 am club? Maybe the antithesis to that. 

Fuck that. Goodnight.


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